Volume 10, Issue 3 (Journal of Control, V.10, N.3 Fall 2016)                   JoC 2016, 10(3): 25-38 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi nia M, Binazadeh T. Design of Robust Control Law for Stabilization of Singular Systems with Time-Varying Delay in The Presence of Model Uncertainty and Input Amplitude Constraint. JoC 2016; 10 (3) :25-38
URL: http://joc.kntu.ac.ir/article-1-368-en.html
Abstract:   (8527 Views)

This paper investigates the problem of robust stabilization of uncertain singular systems with time-varying delay in the presence of model uncertainties and input amplitude constraint. Here, the purpose of robust stabilization is to design a saturated state feedback such that the closed-loop system is regular, impulse free and stable for all admissible uncertainties. The time- delay has been considered to be time-varying with known lower and upper bound. The problem of stabilization is studied in two cases. First, the robust stabilization problem is considered for the singular systems with time-varying delay in the presence of actuator saturation and model uncertainties. In this case, the existence conditions of robust stabilizing delay-independent state feedback controller are given via the linear matrix inequalities. Additionally, an estimation of the domain of attraction of the closed-looped system is proposed in the related theorem. In the second case, delay-dependent criteria for robust stability of uncertain time-delay singular systems with constrained input is given in two theorems. These theorems investigate delay-independent stability conditions via the linear matrix inequalities for constant and time-varying delay. Also, the domain of attraction for the closed-looped system is estimated in this case, too. Finally, practical and 

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Type of Article: Research paper | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/04/26 | Accepted: 2017/02/25 | Published: 2017/03/6

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