Volume 16, Issue 4 (Journal of Control, V.16, N.4 Winter 2023)                   JoC 2023, 16(4): 39-55 | Back to browse issues page

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Sabahi F. Introducing Ranking for f-transformed Set in Extended Fuzzy Logic Application to Decision Making in Disease Diagnosis. JoC 2023; 16 (4) :39-55
URL: http://joc.kntu.ac.ir/article-1-940-en.html
Urmia University
Abstract:   (3345 Views)
The sense of approximate reasoning within fuzzy logic, in contrast to precise reasoning within classical logic, provided an intuitive way of handling many of the world’s difficult problems. But can fuzzy logic, by itself, handle the sort of uncertainty that we find in the class of open world problems? Recently, Zadeh introduced an extension of fuzzy logic that means being flexible while looking for new solutions. The concept of f-transformation is one of the fundamental concepts in extended fuzzy logic, it is important to define f-transformed set up to develop extended fuzzy logic. This f-transformed set is named as f-set. On the other hand, in order to translate the hierarchy into an approximated argument process in extended fuzzy logic, it is necessary to rank the f-sets. In fact, f-sets, in most cases, may overlap in two their parallel spaces of possibility and validity, while their ranking is done in possibility space. This property of f-sets raises further questions: how would f-sets be ranked when their fuzzy validity set of one covers another? These and other questions surrounding the ranking of f-set numbers raise challenging issues. To meet these challenges and to have a proper ranking and to interact with the two parallel spaces of validity and possibility, we have incorporated the concept of equilibrium in the form of validity constrained optimality in ranking for the first time. The proposed ranking approach is applied to examples taken from previous comparative studies from the literature and compared with their results. In addition, to illustrate efficiency, the proposed approach has been evaluated through the help of disease diagnosis, which is one of the scientific today requests by a case study of aphasia diagnosis.
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Type of Article: Review paper | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/06/8 | Accepted: 2022/12/28 | ePublished ahead of print: 2023/01/3

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